Beyond the usual contingencies of life,

we have to step through the looking glass for a fantastic voyage,

to perceive the imperceptible and to take the time to listen to the music of the world

and thus discover the light desired by the painter. Roy Jaeggi’s work should be seen in this light.


Belgo-Suiss painter Bruxelles 1931 - Genève 2009.

Beyond the disappearance of the painter, the work of Roy Jaeggi remains today, strong and eloquent by its timeless message, unique by its pictorial style.
Studied at the School of Architecture and Decorative Arts, Brussels.

Romantic, Nordic and symbolic paintings.

Borrowing from the figurative and the abstract, his work largely broke away from the aesthetics of contemporary art today.
With the aim of depicting contemporary romanticism balanced by an emancipatory vision towards the Absolute, Roy JAEGGI’s work reflects a need for balance and harmony.

His inspiration springs from Nordic culture, with its myths and legends in which the natural world intermingles with the supernatural and in which man pits himself against the gods.

His pictorial symbolic style attempts to show the pervasiveness of symbols that crowd our inner world. While each symbol has its own value and scope, each symbol also takes on a universal meaning. Colors and shapes are two means used to express universality and to convey the idea of a time without a beginning and without an end.
Guided by his instinct and his vision of universality, he knew how to depict the pursuit of man aspiring to brighter horizons, where everything becomes possible, beyond the hollow excitement of this world.

His efforts to remain honest and genuine in his work and to refuse compromise enabled him to achieve a deep feeling of humanity in his paintings.

Through his unstoppable quest for the Beautiful, Passion and the Absolute, he has managed to pass on this dream that life is.

Discover the themes explored

Vidéos de l'oeuvre
1/4 vidéos
Florilège par thématique
Florilège par thématique

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